E-mail: Gerard.V.Bradley.16@nd.edu
Adresa: 3156 Eck Hall of Law, Universitatea din Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, Statele Unite ale Americii
Gerard V. Bradley este profesor de drept la Universitatea Notre Dame, unde predă Etică Juridică și Drept Constituțional și coordonează (alături de John Finnis) Institutul de Drept Natural. Este coeditor al American Journal of Jurisprudence. Profesorul Bradley a fost Visiting Fellow la Hoover Institution, Stanford University și Senior Fellow la Witherspoon Institute, în Princeton.
Profesorul Bradley și-a obținut licența și doctoratul în drept la Universitatea Cornell. După ce a făcut practică la Trial Division of the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, a intrat în viața academică. Predă la Notre Dame University din 1992.
Bradley a publicat peste 100 de articole și recenzii. Printre cărțile sale se numără Essays on Law, Religion and Morality (2012), Catholic Social Teaching: A Volume of Scholarly Essays (Law and Christianity) (2019), coeditată cu Christian Brugger, Challenges to Religious Liberty in the Twenty-First Century (2011), A Student’s Guide to the Study of Law (2006), Science and Faith (2000), coeditată cu D. DeMarco, Catholicism, Liberalism and Communitarianism: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition and the Moral Foundations of Democracy (1995).
Istorie constituțională
Interpretare constituțională
Drept constituțional
Drept și religie
Teoria legii naturale
Essays on Law, Religion and Morality, Saint Augustine’s Press, 2012.
A Brief History of Religious Liberty in America, Heritage, 2008.
A Student’s Guide to Law, ISI, 2006.
Same-Sex Attraction: A Parent’s Guide, editată cu Rev. John Harvey, OSFS, St. Augustine’s Press, 2003.
Science and Faith, editată cu D. DeMarco, St. Augustine’s Press, 2000.
Catholicism, Liberalism and Communitarianism: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition and the Moral Foundations of Democracy, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1995.
Church-State Relationships in America, Greenwood Press, 1987.
„Moral Truth and Constitutional Conservatism”, Louisiana Law Review, 81, 2021, 1370-1430.
„Religion at a Public University”, William and Mary Law Review, 49, 2008, 2217-2263.
„Law and the Culture of Marriage”, Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy, 18, 2004, 189-217.
„Retribution: The Central Aim of Punishment”, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 27, 2003, 19-31.
„Unconstitutional Stereotype: Catholic Schools as Pervasively Sectarian”, Texas Review of Law & Politics, 7, 2002, 1-24.
„Same-Sex Marriage: Our Final Answer?”, Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy, 14, 2000, 729-752.
„Retribution and the Secondary Aims of Punishment”, American Journal of Jurisprudence, 44, 1999, 105-123.
„Plea Bargaining and the Criminal Defendant's Obligation to Plead Guilty”, South Texas Law Review, 40, 1999, 65-82.
„Catholic Faith and Legal Scholarship”, Journal of Legal Education, 47, 1997, 13.
„Marriage and the Liberal Imagination, with Robert P. George”, Georgetown Law Journal, 84, 1995, 301.